Friday 22 June 2012

An eventful 48 hours.....

Well Heathrow to San Francisco went good, nice flight, good food, quick & easy through customs! I turn on my phone to an email telling me my flight is cancelled - the joy. Then another email saying I was scheduled on a flight at 10:35pm the next day - Erm I don't think so!!!

After arguing with the airline and them not being able to get me on another flight my only option was to drive!! 4hr drive seemed OK til I hit San Francisco rush hour traffic - Blurgh! I did get to drive through the forest near Lake Tahoe which was beautiful though! 5 1/2 hours later I arrived at the bowl at 9:45pm so I missed official practice, which wasn't ideal!

It didn't take long to realise I was ready for bed, I met up with Lisanne after her practice and we came straight to bed! We are staying in the Circus Circus which is......... Strange! It's clean and our room is big but it feels like we are 50 years ago :-/

It is connected to the Silver Legacy & Elderado so between the 3 hotels it's huge, loadsa restaurants and lots of slots!!

I slept good last night and the car didn't need to go back until 4pm so we decided to take advantage & drive to an outlet mall! The shopping started off slow but it soon picked up! Bought myself 2 new Adidas jackets, Tommy Hilfiger polo shirt & sunglasses, some Vans and a pair of cute Vans for my nephew :-)

Onto the bowling...... The bowl is amazing, so big I could get lost ( I haven't as yet ) I started off real good 223 268 & 210. I then moved to the other end of the centre and noticed a massive change in reaction, the midland was really burnt up and my balls started hooking a lot earlier so I made a move inside and scored 190. The next 2 games were not so good, I chased the lane left but kept hitting the burn. When I got far enough left to avoid the midlane I couldn't get my ball to recover :-/ in the last few frames of game 6 I decided to make a move right and change to a weaker ball that would get through the mess! I ended up with 162 157 for a total of 1210.

Disappointed doesn't come close, it doesn't feel good to go from +100 to +10 in 3 games but I do have some positives to take!

I played the lane good at the start and I felt like I was throwing the ball good too. I missed 4 spares in the last 2 games but before that my spare game was also good! We won't play on the 'burn' again so I'm hoping I can find a reaction like the first 3 games on the fresh pattern tomorrow & Sunday!

We play tomorrow at 3pm (11pm UK time). Have no plans for tomorrow just chill out & relax :-) its nice bowling in the afternoon & evenings - all morning to take things at a slow speed!

As you're all waking up it's time for bed for me! I'll leave you with some photos of the snowy mountains from my flight & of the National Bowling Stadium!

Much Love, J xXx

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