Friday 21 September 2012

A new pin in the map....

Well hello Cyprus. This week I get to visit a place I've never been before - Limassol, Cyprus. I'm here representing Team England at the 1st World Singles Championships. The 2 men with me are Matt Miller & Stu Williams.

The trip itself has been about of a drama so far. It was a last minute trip due to the original 2 players Lisa John & Hayley White not being able to make it. I wasn't bowling so much last year so I didn't technically qualify for the England squad of 12 players, but I guess due to my recent form & being able to make the trip I was able to represent.

Bowling in England isn't so great at the moment and the British Tenpin Bowling Association isn't in a good place financially meaning the players have to make a contribution to travel to tournaments such as this which makes it difficult for people to afford to travel. Anyways, that is another subject which we all hope will be resolved over the next 12-18 months.

So the trip.... I flew out on wednesday, My flight was delayed due to the aircraft not being parked correctly overnight. It took the airport staff 90 minutes to rectify the problem and park the plane in the correct place!! I eventually got to Limassol about 2hours later than scheduled which meant I missed the official practice session for the tournament. I arrived in time to make the opening ceremony which was held outside the bowling centre and included the athlete parade and the speeches by various officials & representatives from the bowling world & Cyprus federations.

My first squad was 10am on Thursday do I didn't hang around much Wednesday night as I needed to get some rest and catch I on sleep from travelling day. My first 6 games were not great for me at all. I don't like to make excuses and I will openly admit I was not at my best. It took me a long time to relax and settle into the environment, I didn't string good shots together and I missed a fair amount of spares. I finished on a total of 997 for 6 games so I have left myself a lot of work to do in the next 6 games in order to make the top 24 & qualify for the final rounds. I play again on Saturday at 1:30 Cyprus time so 11:30 UK time.

Stu played this morning and had a 6 game total of 1321 which puts him in a very good position to qualify for the top 24.

Matt has just finished his squad on 1405 so he is also in a very strong position to make the finals :-) have sent The Stream Team here and they are providing live streaming and commentary of as much of the centre as possible. The link for the live streaming is -

All the scores can also be found at

Keep your fingers crossed for us :-)

Much Love, Jo x

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