Thursday 27 June 2013

9 months on....

9 months since I posted - wowzers! So much to say..... But I don't have a baby!! 

Quite a lot happened since I last posted. I had an amazing trip to Vienna for an EBT Tournament, I went to Switzerland for a team event and then to Florence for another EBT. Had an absolute blast at all three events, won some pennies and made awesome memories with some great friends! 

End of November wasn't so great as I was involved in an accident in my car! The lorry driver didn't fancy stopping in traffic so did some nasty damage to the car & my back. 

I was forced to take time off from bowling to recover properly, giving my muscles chance to heal. I'm on the mend though and started to ease myself back into bowling gradually in February. Still working to get myself up to full fitness and playing as regularly as I did but it's definitely gonna take time. 

I lost my Grandad at Christmas which was tough for the whole family. He'd had a long battle with Alzheimer's & Dementia, he eventually became to weak to fight illnesses and pneumonia took over. 

This year has been better :-) I was lucky enough to be selected to represent England at the World Championships! 

I leave on the 15th August along with 5 awesome team mates - Autum Chamberlain, Hayley Rumkee, Hayley White, Lisa John & Nicki Ainge! To say I'm excited is an understatement and preparations are well underway with training and ball choices! 

I've also signed 2 exciting sponsorship deals - I'll post about them very soon!!! 

Until next time.... 

Much Love, 

J x

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