Thursday 28 June 2012

A final goodbye....

So it's time to go home... Mixed emotions.

The bowling didn't end so good.... I felt confident going in to the final block of 6 and started OK with games of 222 202 222 & 210. The lanes played so different compared to the other 2 squads and all the bowlers found a whole load of carry down which made carry really hard. Luck was definitely not in my side in games 5 & 6 as I left five 7-10 splits from pocket shots. Unfortunately I let this affect my confidence and then missed a couple of other spares. I had games of 184 154 to finish on 1194 for 6 games making my total for 18 games 3724.

I didn't want to write my blog straight away because I don't like hanging onto negativity and I was pretty down and disappointed and that would have reflected in my blog. When I look back at the tournament at a whole I have a lot of positives to take and I have learnt more valuable lessons making me a stronger person & better bowler.

The last 3 days have been a bit of a whirlwind for Lisanne & I. Neither of us made the cut so we took advantage of being able to let our hair down and enjoy being able to relax. We did a bit more shopping, sunbathed by the pool, hit the casino tables and sampled a few cocktails!

I have met some new friends here in Reno, had some valuable conversations with knowledgable people and watched some amazing bowlers. The final last night was an experience, the opening ceremony included a choir, military, fireworks & an aeroplane! The bowling was crazy and due to the elements the oil was challenging and the ladies played the finals with spare balls - fair play to Kelly Kulick for rising above and winning the tournament! She led from day 1 and the $40k was definitely deserved.

I always have mixed emotions just before I come home. I'm excited to see my friends & family, I love England and I cant wait to come home for Fish & Chips! But I miss 'living bowling' When you're away on a bowling trip, everyone shares the same passion! I love being around people who love the sport as much as I do! It's hard to explain to people that aren't involved within bowling but trust me -it's amazing!

So it's time to come home, as always the 7 days have passed so quick and I have learnt more valuable lessons to take away ready to improve for next time!

I have a couple of weeks off now to relax and recover from the jet leg before playing the Euro Fives with Powerplay Pro Shop at Norwich! It's a Team England ranking event so equally important, we are all bowling for points to get us into the Nationals squad and hopefully selected to travel to the Championships next year!

It's time for me to get to the airport, fingers crossed for non delayed/cancelled flights :-)

Thanks for your support as always!

Much Love, J xXx

1 comment:

  1. Loving the blog Jo!
    Keep it upo!
    Safe trip home love!
