Thursday 12 April 2012

6 days & counting....

Wow...I'm very excited but also starting to feel a tad nervous about my trip to Texas next week.

They had a couple of tornado's last week in the Dallas Fort Worth area, which is where I'm going. It all seems to have passed through now and the weather is currently estimated to be around 27 degrees - BONUS!

I've been trying my best to get organised for this event..I started to pack the other day and stopped when I packed underwear! I realised I would just end up unpacking and packing again anyway, so may as well wait a few days!

Tonight I'm gonna write a list - I get this from my nan. She makes lists for everything. If I don't do this I will forget something and more than likely it will be something important like my passport or bowling shoes! Once my list is sorted I can dig out everything I need and start to get things into my case.

I know I have 6 days until I fly but I'm pretty busy until then.

Tomorrow I am going to see Alex @ Powerplay Proshop to drill a new ball ready for me to take. I noticed whilst in Paris I have a gap at the top end of my equipment and need something strong but sharp off the pack - we are hoping the Victory Road pearl will fit in nicely.

I'm hoping to catch up with some friends & family over the weekend. Monday is pack & get my @rse into gear day as I leave straight from work on Tuesday. I'm going down to stay with a friend Tuesday evening, closer to the airport ready for Wednesday. Ive arranged to have a similar pattern to what I will play on @ Queens put down at The Airport Bowl, so I can practice Tuesday evening and Wednesday morning.

This should help me make the final choices as to which balls I should take with me.

I'll add another post soon with all my current equipment & layouts if you are interested in that sorta stuff!

Until then - here's an inspirational quote I saw the other day.

" I can accept failure. Everyone fails at something. But I can't accept not trying. " Michael Jordan

Much Love,

Jo xx

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