Thursday 19 April 2012

Hello Texas :o)

Travelling Day....

Tuesday finally last day at work and the start of my trip to Texas!! It was an early start cos I started work at 8am and as I was leaving straight from work I had to have all my bags and stuff ready to go! It's always sad when I say bye to Mum even though it's only a week - I'm definitely a Mummy's girl!

Work flew - I was in such a good mood all day and when 4pm came I was out the door and in the car to Nuneaton - the first stop to collect some new shirts (Thanks Vikki & Alex @ PowerStitch!!)

Next stop was Airport Bowl, Emma the manager had kindly agreed to let me have a pattern laid down similar to the Queens to practice on. Ray Teece dressed the lanes for me and Mike Quarry came to help me break them down and give me some advice on reactions & surfaces!

Practice went O.K I felt pretty comfortable and after a couple of surface changes & feet movements I was throwing the ball good and making strikes. It came about fairly quickly that I was going to have to watch my speed on this pattern. If I threw it too fast then the ball would go past the break point & not recover. #NotGood

This morning I went back to the Airport Bowl to practice again - the surface changes we made seemed to work well and I moved a step closer to the foul line to help me keep my speed down and get the ball hooking earlier!

I had lunch with the 'Wilson' and then made my way round to the Teece's. The Teece family are amazing and as they only live 5 mins from the airport they're the bowlers car park & taxi service to the airport - Much Love to them!!

Check in went super quick - the flight wasn't full so I managed to get allocated a seat alone with no-one beside me - BOOM! Happy Girl! I purposely left it late getting to the airport because I hate sitting around waiting - it gives me time to think and sometimes that's not good! I end up thinking of all sorts of weird & wonderful things, causing havoc in my head!

So here I am now.... 6 hours and 40 minutes into my flight. I've watched part of The Muppet's Movie ( I fell asleep) Read 50 pages of my book, watched We Bought A Zoo, ate tea ( dinner to some ) and drunk lots of tea ( No it's not the same thing ) 3 hours 20 minutes till I land and I'm starting to get bored....I wish I had my bouncy ball :-D

I love flying, I love taking off, the atmosphere and it's amazing for people watching!! The mum walking her toddler up and down the aisle to keep her calm and make her sleep. The businessman tapping away on his laptop. The annoying passenger who keeps pressing the call button. The man who has the loudest snore EVER. Someone with a terrible cough ( I better not catch that ) and the flight attendants! Some of them are so stereotypically American and I can't help but smile when I watch them!

My battery is getting low so I'm gonna stop...When this is posted I'll be in Texas baby - Living The Dream!

Will write again soon! 

Much Love

J xx 

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