Sunday 29 April 2012

Update :-)

I still have the remainder of my stinking cold, which isn't nice. But what is nice, is that I've had the all clear for arthritis & inflammation of my joints!! I've been struggling with joint pain for quite a while now and my GP didn't know the cause. The specialist I have seen has advised me that I have overly flexible joints, which explains all the cracking, popping & movement I have. The pain comes from the joints not being protected or strong enough to cope with the movement. It also turns out my left leg is longer than my right and my left knee cap doesn't sit straight!

So what now?! Back to the gym, to work on core stability & balance. I've been referred to a physiotherapist & occupational therapist to work on my mechanics and to help me strengthen & protect my joints so I no longer get the pains I get now!!

It's so hard coming home after an amazing trip. Back to the norm, going to work, unpacking, washing & miserable boring weather! Urgh!

What does make it worth while coming home is seeing my 2 gorgeous nephews! I drove to see my sister, her fiancé & the boys today! I fed Finley some jelly for the first time and he loved it!!! I've attached a couple of pictures from their trip to the zoo yesterday :-)

I'm bowling a local tournament next week at Preston, back to the practice lanes this week so I will keep you updated after next weeks event!

Take it easy! Much Love, J xx

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